Quiz for Kids on the Birth of Jesus
Use this Bible quiz for kids to teach your children about the birth of Jesus. After doing it, you can look through the answers together and teach them about Jesus’ birth.
You can review the answers at the end of the quiz. You will also find the scripture references, so that you can read them.
Although this is a Bible quiz for kids, you may want to try it too, to see if you know the answers.
Ideas for doing this Bible Quiz for Kids:
- Read the passages, Matthew 1:1 – 2:23; Luke 1:1-2:40, about the birth of Jesus to your kids from a good children’s Bible. Afterwards ask them the quiz questions to see how much they remember.
- Tell your kids about the birth of Jesus in your own words or read it from somewhere written for children. Then do the quiz with them.
- Do some fun crafts together about the birth of Jesus and use that to tell them about it, then do the quiz

Kid’s Quiz: The Birth of Jesus
A) Which prophet was born 6 months before Jesus?
- John the Baptist
- Moses
- Elijah
- Abraham
B) What was the name of Jesus’ mother?
- Rebecca
- Mary
- Eve
- Sarah
C) Who told Mary that she was going to have a baby?
- Joseph
- An angel
- The doctor
- No one
D) What was the name of the angel who appeared to Jesus’ mother?
- Mark
- Michael
- Gabriel
- David
E) Who was Mary going to marry?
- Matthew
- Peter
- David
- Joseph
F) When Jospeh found out that Mary was pregnant, who told him that he should still marry her?
- His mother
- A best friend
- An angel
- The High Priest

G) What did the angel say to Joseph?
- The baby was his
- There was no baby
- The baby came from the Holy Spirit
H) Which town was Jesus born in?
- London
- Bethlehem
- Paris
- Rome
I) What did Mary use as a bed for the baby Jesus?
- Pillows
- A manger
- The Sofa
- A tree
J) Why was Jesus laid in a manger?
- Jesus found the manger more comfortable
- Mary liked the colour of the manger
- There was no space for them in the Inn
- The manger was a gift from Mary’s father
K) When angels appeared to shepherds, announcing the birth of Jesus, what did they sing?
- Hallelujah
- Joy to the World
- Silent Night
- Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!
L) After the angels left, where did the shepherds decide to go?
- America
- London
- Jerusalem
- Bethlehem
M) What did the wise men see that made them go looking for the baby Jesus?
- A star
- Television show
- Footprints in the sand
- A map
N) What gifts did the wise men present to Jesus?
- Gold, frankincense, and myrrh
- Computer game
- A fluffy toy
- An xBox

O) Which King ruled the area when Jesus was born?
- Peter
- David
- Herod
- John
P) What did Herod try to do to Jesus as a baby?
- Give him gifts
- Adopt him
- Kill him
Q) How did God warn Joseph that Herod was going to try to kill Jesus?
- He wrote a message in the sand
- God passed a message through some friends
- He emailed him
- An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream
R) To protect Jesus as a baby, where did His parents flee to?
- A cave
- Joseph’s parents house
- Egypt
- Jerusalem
S) When Joseph, Mary and Jesus returned to Israel, where did they settle?
- Nazareth
- Jerusalem
- London
- Rome
T) Why did Jesus come to the earth?
- To visit his mother
- For a visit
- To save us from our sins
- For a holiday
U) One of the prophecies about Jesus says: “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14). What does Immanuel (Emmanuel) mean?
- A baby boy
- Sent by God
- God with us
- A man who yelled
V) Can you complete this famous verse about the birth of Jesus? For unto us a Child is born, ______________________ (Isaiah 9:6)
- To a woman called Mary
- And we are very happy
- Unto us a Son is given
- In a town called Bethlehem
This Bible quiz for kids is a great tool to teach your children about the birth of Jesus. Maybe make it a fun activity by doing some crafts or other activities at the same time.
It is good to teach your children about the Bible. Doing a Bible quiz for kids makes it fun for them.
You can print this quiz to use in children’s Sunday School or at home. If you link to this quiz from a website, please credit this site.
How well do you know your Bible?
Try another Quiz to find out:

I provide these quizzes because I feel that people do not have as much knowledge of the Bible as they used to. As part of my goal to teach and bring understanding of the Bible, I also want to help increase people’s general knowledge of the Bible.
- A) John the Baptist
- B) Mary
- C) An Angel
- D) Gabriel
- E) Joseph
- F) An Angel
- G) The Baby came from the Holy Spirit
- H) Bethlehem
- I) A Manger
- J) There was no space for them in the Inn
- K) Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!
- L) Bethlehem
- M) A Star
- N) Gold, frankincense, and myrrh
- O) Herod
- P) Kill Him
- Q) An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream
- R) Egypt
- S) Nazareth
- T) To save us from our sins
- U) God with us
- V) Unto us a Son is given
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