Genesis quiz to test your knowledge of Genesis.
This Genesis quiz will test how well do you know the Bible.
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This Genesis quiz contains 25 multiple choice questions. Once you have completed the questions check the answers at the end to see how you did.
There is only one correct answer to each question.
Genesis Bible Quiz
A) What does the word ‘Genesis’ mean?
- Covenant
- Law
- Creation
- Origin (or beginning)
B) How many chapters are there in the book of Genesis?
- 50
- 48
- 36
- 56
C) After Adam and Eve ate of the fruit that God had told them not to eat, they heard the LORD walking in the Garden. What did they do?
- Went to greet the LORD
- Did nothing
- Ate more fruit
- Hid themselves

Genesis Quiz Continued
D) The names of Adam and Eve’s first two children were:
- Mathew and Paul
- Moses and Abel
- Abraham and Noah
- Abraham and Cain
- Cain and Abel
E) In Genesis 4, Cain brought God an offering. The offering was:
- The Fruit of the ground
- An animal sacrifice
- Silver and gold
- His wages

More Quiz Questions
F) Who committed the first murder in the Bible?
- Abel
- Cain
- Abraham
- Moses
- Adam
G) What was the name of Adam and Eve’s third child?
- Joseph
- Noah
- Abraham
- Seth
- Isaac
H) Which chapter in Genesis describes the flood that covered the earth?
- 11
- 12
- 7
- 5
I) When the earth was flooded, how many days did it rain for?
- 10
- 100
- 40
- 30

Here’s More Questions
J) What bird did Noah send from the ark during the flood that returned with an olive leaf, showing him that the flood waters had receded from the earth?
- Raven
- Pigeon
- Parrot
- Dove
K) What was the first act that the Bible shows Noah did after he and his family came out of the Ark?
- Noah released all the animals from the Ark
- He built a new house for his family
- Noah found food for his family
- He built an altar and offered burnt offerings to God
L) Which chapter in Genesis tells us about the Tower of Babel?
- 11
- 15
- 9
- 6
- 45
M) Where was Abraham originally from?
- Egypt
- Ur of the Chaldeans
- Jerusalem
- Mount Sinai
N) Abraham’s father was called
- Adam
- Nun
- Terah
- Noah
How are you doing so far?
O) Which god was primarily worshiped in the area that Abraham originally came from?
- The god of the sea
- Baal
- god of the moon
- The god of the mountains
P) Which chapter in Genesis tells of God’s call to Abraham (Abram) and Abraham’s journey to the land God had for him?
- 12
- 18
- 26
- 8
Q) What was Abram’s immediate response when the LORD told him to get out of his country and go to a land that God would show him?
- Abram asked God for a sign to prove it
- He asked his wife what she thought of the idea
- Abram departed as the LORD had told him to
- He held a town meeting to see what the general opinion was.
R) Shortly after Abram reached the land God had told him to go to, there was a famine in the land and Abram left to go where?
- Rome
- Egypt
- Back home
- Jerusalem
S) What does the name Isaac mean?
- He laughs or laughter
- Child of promise
- The firstborn
- He sacrifices
T) What was the name of Isaac’s wife?
- Eve
- Ruth
- Sarah
- Rebekah
U) What were the names of Isaac’s two children?
- Abraham and Noah
- Jacob and Esau
- Joseph and Benjamin
- Moses and Daniel
V) What did God eventually change Jacob’s name to?
- Joseph
- Israel
- Abimilech
- Joshua
W) How many sons did Jacob have?
- 10
- 6
- 12
- 2
X) Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. He was then taken to Egypt and sold to who?
- Jacob
- Pharaoh
- Potiphar
- Abimilech
Y) Jospeh interpreted Pharaoh’s dream showing there would be how many years of plenty, followed by the same number of years of famine?
- 40
- 12
- 7
- 5
Genesis Quiz Answers:
A) Origin (or beginning)
B) 50
C) They hid themselves – Genesis 3:8
D) Cain and Abel
E) The Fruit of the ground
F) Cain
G) Seth – Genesis 4:25
H) 7
I) 40 – Genesis 7:12
J) A dove
K) Noah built an altar and offered burnt offerings to God – Genesis 8:18-20
L) 11
M) Ur of the Chaldeans – Genesis 11:28-31
Ur was in southern Mesopotamia and situated on the Euphrates River, in present-day Iraq, not far from Babel where the tower was built.
N) Terah – Genesis 11:26
O) The god of the moon
The Babylonian ‘god of the moon’ (“Nannar” or “Sin”) was worshipped as the god who controlled the whole territory and both cities of Ur and Haran were dedicated to this ‘moon god’ Idolatry was rampant in the world, having started with Nimrod at the tower of Babel, worshipping the host of heaven (astrology). Abram’s family served other gods, but even in this idolatrous environment, God found a man, Abram who would listen to Him and follow Him (Joshua 24: 2).
P) 12
Q) Abram departed as the LORD had told him to
Genesis 12:4
So Abram departed as the LORD had spoken to him. We see an immediate response to obey. There is no indication that Abram delayed. Hebrews 11:8 tells us that by faith Abraham obeyed.
R) Egypt – Genesis 12:10
S) He laughs or laughter
T) Rebekah – Genesis 24:15
U) Jacob and Esau
V) Israel – Genesis 32:28
W) 12
X) Potiphar – Genesis 37:36
Jospeh interpreted Pharaoh’s dream showing there would be how many years of plenty, followed by the same number of years of famine?
Y) 7 – Genesis 41

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