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Upholding God’s Word as the Standard for Truth in the Church Today

Teaching the Word of God
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I believe in the power of the Word of God and in faith in God. From These Shores exists to bring clear solid teaching to the Body of Christ that is free from contaminating human opinions, religious traditions and erroneous doctrine.
God gave us His Word because He wants us to understand it. Confusion has caused errors which have kept people out of God’s best for their lives

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Bible Studies
How to Have Great Faith – Matthew 8
How to have Great Faith - Matthew 8 The Roman Centurion Healing in the Ministry of Jesus #12 In Matthew 8, Jesus showed that the Centurion had great faith. What is the difference between faith and...
How to Act on Your Faith: The 10 Lepers and Blind Bartimaeus
How to Act on Your Faith: The 10 Lepers and Blind Bartimaeus Healing in the Ministry of Jesus #11 How do you act on your faith? In Luke 17, Jesus gave the 10 lepers some Spirit led instructions and...
When Everything Goes Wrong – Mark 5 Jairus
When Everything Goes Wrong -Mark 5: Jairus Healing in the Ministry of Jesus #10 In Mark 5, Jairus asked Jesus for help. but then everything went wrong. However, by the end of it, Jairus received his...
The Consuming Fire Storm of God
God is a Consuming Fire What is the Bible talking about when it describes God as a consuming fire? Scripture gives incredible descriptions of the fire of God's presence, but also talks of a...
The Fire of God and His Presence
The Fire of God - Audio Teaching The fire of God is spoken of throughout scripture. Isaiah 66 says the LORD will come with fire. Daniel 7:9-10 describes the Ancient of Days and shows His throne is a...
How to Approach God Correctly – Mark 5 Jairus
Mark 5: Jairus - How to Approach God Healing in the Ministry of Jesus #9 Mark 5 show us how to approach God. The way Jairus approached Jesus had a big effect on how Jesus responded and the miracle...