How to be Certain God will Fight for You
Can you be certain about whether God will fight for you and come through for you?
Is it possible to boldly declare that the Lord will fight for you in the battle you are facing?
- 1: How to Beat Giants: David vs Goliath
- 2: Certain God will Fight for You
- 3: Depending on God
- 4: Being Ready
Certain God will Fight for You: Video Transcript:
We’ve been looking at the Bible passage of David and Goliath, and studying principles from this account that will help you in the situations you are facing in your life today.
David was a young boy, around 17 or 18 years old. He had no experience in war or with fighting, yet he was able to beat Goliath, who was a giant and a man of war. Goliath was massive, powerful and very experienced with fighting, yet David was able to overcome him using Biblical principles, faith and putting his confidence in God.

Giant Situations
Today, many people are facing their own giant situations that feel very overwhelming. They don’t know how they can overcome and beat these situations.
We are looking at the principles that can be learned from this passage about David and Goliath that can help us in our lives today.
What can we put in to practice, so that we can begin to expect the same results that David, and other people in the Bible, had?
Can you be certain that God is going to get involved in your situation?
- How can I get God to move in my life?
- Can you know whether He will deliver you?
These questions come to people’s minds when they are facing situations. They wonder whether God will do anything. Is God going to get involved in this battle or is He just going to sit on the sidelines and leave me standing in the middle of this thing by myself, being battered and defeated?
I believe that, if you put your trust in God, you can be certain that He will get involved.

Does God want you to win this fight?
- Is He willing to help and get involved?
- Can I really rely on Him and count on Him to do something?
These are big questions and some people do not believe we can be sure about the answers. They want us to think that we can’t be certain or sure. Some don’t want to be confident and certain.
This causes people to hold back and often have questions about whether God is actually going to do anything.
These questions cause people to lack boldness and confidence in God.
Firstly, I want to look at David.
What was His attitude and how did he talk about God concerning the battle he was about to go into? How did David talk about God in this battle?
1 Samuel 17:34-37
:34 But David said to Saul, “Your servant used to keep his father’s sheep, and when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock,
:35 I went out after it and struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth; and when it arose against me, I caught it by its beard, and struck and killed it.
:36 Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God.”
:37 Moreover David said, “The LORD, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and the LORD be with you!”
It’s interesting that David spoke about God in terms of certainty. He did not say God ‘might’, or I’m hoping He will. Instead, he boldly says, ‘The Lord WILL deliver me’. This was David’s attitude throughout this passage. He was 100% convinced that God was going to get involved and fight with Him to help him beat the Philistine.

David arrived on the battlefield and did not say:
- I need to go and pray to ask God what to do.
- Or, I need to check if God is going to help me.
- I’m not really sure if God wants me to beat this giant, but I’m hoping He does.
David did not say any of those things. People today respond like that, but David did not. He did not even consult God!
Instead, David went into the battle without even talking to God about it. His attitude was that God would deliver him. He did not wonder whether it was God’s will to give him the victory in the battle. He was totally convinced that God would. David already knew that God was going to get involved.
This is a key point: David already knew.
David did not go into battle to find out if God will stand by him. He was not wondering ‘if’, or go into the battle uncertain about the outcome. He went into the battle totally convinced that God would get involved.
The question is: How could he be so certain?
He knew it because He knew God. He knew God’s promises and his covenant with God. David arrived at the battle scene already knowing God. He did not have to go and find out if God would get involved or wonder about it. The certainty was already there.
- How was David able to speak about God with terms of such certainty?
- Why could he say, ‘The Lord will deliver me’?
- What made him so sure that God would get involved?
David had absolute certainty and confidence in God.

Can you be certain like David was?
Is it possible for us to get to the place where we are totally certain and convinced that God is going to fight with us and for us, as well as give us the victory in the situations we are facing?
These days, many think you cannot and should not speak about God with such certainty. Modern theology has the idea that you cannot talk about God in such certain terms. Maybe He will, maybe He won’t, but you have to just see what happens.
The moment you try to talk about God with certainty, people start getting offended. They claim you cannot talk about God like that. They want you to believe that you cannot be so sure about God. People think there is something wrong with your theology if you talk about God with certainty.
The problem I have with that attitude:
When you look in the Bible, people spoke about God with certainty. They were totally convinced that God was going to help them.
One other example is the woman with the Issue of blood.
Mark 5:27-28
:27 When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment.
:28 For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.”
This was before she got her healing and before she spoke to Jesus. She spoke with certainty and did not say she was hoping something would happen, or let’s see if it does. She said, ‘I shall (will) be made whole’. That is certainty and confidence.
Even though people today tell us that you cannot talk about God like that, people in the Bible did. These passages are in the Bible as examples to us. They are there to teach us.
Just like we are supposed to learn from other biblical principles, we need to look at how these people spoke.
Why did God pick these people and put them in the Bible?
Maybe it is because they spoke with such certainty. God wants us to learn to be like that with Him as well.
The language of certainty about what God will do is throughout the Bible. However, the language of modern theology is to talk about God in terms of uncertainty. In other words, many today are training people to talk about God differently to how people in the Bible talked about God!

Is it wrong to do as the people in the Bible did?
There are passages in the Bible where we are told that these people are our examples.
Hebrews 6:12
:12 that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
We are told to imitate them (copy). Look at what they did and how they did it, then copy them. Be like them.
You are not imitating them when you talk about God in terms of uncertainty. That is completely different to how they talked about God. We are not doing it the same way they did it.
Maybe what we need to understand is, how could they talk about God with such certainty? Can we do so as well? I believe we can.
If we are going to copy them, then we need to do things the same way they did them.
That means having the same confidence and being able to talk about God in terms of certainty.
How could David know God would fight for him?
- What made him certain?
- How could he say with absolute confidence that the Lord would deliver him?
This was not just wishful thinking. David knew that God was going to get involved. The point is that he was right. God did deliver him!
The reason David was able to be so certain is that he knew God. He knew the covenant and the Word of God, so he arrived at the battle already knowing God. He did not need to go and find out whether God would get involved.
Sometimes we face things and we are not certain. We have to go to the Bible. If you don’t know, then you do need to go and find out what God says.
The key is that we should get to the place where we know God, His Word and His promises well enough so that we can speak things out with certainty.
David would have known passages in the scriptures. There were promises in the scriptures he had available to him. The Word of God gives us the assurance that God will fight for us.
One scripture that David may have known that already showed him to go into battle with confidence:
Deuteronomy 20:1-4
:1 “When you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God is with you, who brought you up from the land of Egypt.
:2 So it shall be, when you are on the verge of battle, that the priest shall approach and speak to the people.
:3 And he shall say to them, ‘Hear, O Israel: Today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies. Do not let your heart faint, do not be afraid, and do not tremble or be terrified because of them;
:4 for the LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.’
This is a promise in the Word of God.
This verse says:
- Do not be afraid
- God is with you
- He will fight for you
If a person believes what God said here, then he could talk about God with certainty. On the other hand, if they do not believe it, if they are not convinced this is true or whether they can trust God to do as He said, then they will not be able to talk with certainty.
Knowing that what God has said in His Word is true and that He will back it up means you can talk about God with certainty.
David simply took God at His Word. He knew God would be with him and would deliver him because he knew what God had already said in the Scriptures. David knew God well enough to know that He would back up His Word and do as He promised He would.
How can we know today?
We have the Word of God. The Bible gives us the assurance that God will fight for us. There are a multitude of promises in the Bible where God says He will fight for you. He gives us examples of people like David. We can look at those examples, and the promises of God, and talk about God with boldness.
We don’t have to wonder whether God will get involved. If we believe what He has said, we can declare boldly that He will.
Are there times you should seek God about the battle?
David did not check with God before the battle with Goliath. He already knew God and His promises.
I do believe in being led by the Holy Spirit and the importance of getting direction. It is important to hear from God.
So the question is: are there times we should seek God about the battle or situation we are facing?
If it is a question in your mind about whether God will deliver you or fight for you, then that is not something you need to pray about to get his will or direction for. Those issues are already covered in His Word. They are part of the covenant He has with you.
You do not need to pray about whether God will do what He said He is going to do.
We need to believe what He has said already.
What you may need to pray about is how to fight the battle, the strategy.
In some passages, like the battle at Jericho, God gave them a specific strategy. It was not a question about whether God was going to help them win the battle. The question was about specific instructions from God about how to go about the fight.
There may be times when specific direction is needed, and it is important to get that.
What I want you to understand right now though, is that it is not about checking whether God is going to help you. The question is not, ‘God, do you want to deliver me?’ Those kinds of questions have already been answered in the Bible.
You do not need to check with God if He is going to do something that He promised He would do. That shows lack of confidence in His character. We need to know God well enough to the point that we know He will do as He promised.
Important points from this teaching:
- David spoke with confidence and certainty about God.
- The Bible tells us to imitate people in the Bible. They are there as out examples.
- Imitating them includes having the same confidence and certainty in God.
If you know what God has promised in the Bible, then yes, you can speak with boldness and certainty. This may be contrary to a lot of modern theology, but I would rather go with the Bible than what modern people want to teach about God, when it conflicts with the Bible.
I believe the Bible is true, and if God shows that we can be certain and confident, then I believe we can. We can talk about God with confidence, if we know what He has said already in His Word.
More videos in this series:
Further Studies
- Bible Questions and Answers
- Bible Quiz
- Character of God
- Faith
- Finances
- FromTheseShores Vision
- Gifts and Manifestations of the Spirit
- Healing
- In Christ Realities
- Jesus Christ
- Miracles and The Power of God
- Praise and Worship
- Prayer
- Revival & Awakening
- Spiritual Growth
- The Holy Spirit
- The Word of God
- Victory in Christ