The Fire of God – Audio Teaching
The fire of God is spoken of throughout scripture. Isaiah 66 says the LORD will come with fire. Daniel 7:9-10 describes the Ancient of Days and shows His throne is a fiery flame with a fiery stream coming forth before Him.
The spectacular image we are give of this incredible fire of God and His presence stirs us about His awesomeness and power.
In this audio teaching, I look at the fire of God through scripture to stir our faith and confidence in Him. (The link to part 2 is also further below).
Hebrews 12:29
29 For our God is a consuming fire.
The Fire of God Audio Teaching
Churches in the UK and Bible Courses
From These Shores holds meetings throughout the United Kingdom to stir revival and teach God’s Word. These include churches and Bible courses.
The Fire of God Manifesting
I believe we are going to see and experience more of the fire of God, as His presence manifests. He desires to pour out His Spirit and power through His people. By looking into the Word more on the fire of God, our faith will be stirred to expect more.
God is stirring His people to come higher and to walk closer to Him. Also, to walk in His Word and to not be held by unscriptural ideas.
The Lord desires for His glorious church to arise: clean, pure and holy. This will be a church washed in the water of the Word. As the church walks in His ways and closer to Him, we will experience more of the fire of God and His manifest presence.
Psalm 97
3 A fire goes before Him,
And burns up His enemies round about.
4 His lightnings light the world;
The earth sees and trembles.
5 The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the LORD,
At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.

The Time is Now
For years, we have talked about revival and the move of God. Generations past have experienced this. It’s time for our generation to step in to what God has for is.
The season is ripe and the time is now. God is calling us to a higher place with Him.
From These Shores is speaking out what God is saying in our day, declaring days of revival and the fulfilment of things God has spoken. If your heart is stirred, I welcome you to connect up with us as we stand for the United Kingdom and the world

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